Monday, January 31, 2011

Timetable Update for Semester 2

Apologies for the lateness of the change - this is due to
lecturer timetable conflicts on another programme

The timetable for S2 will operate as follows:

Tue 18:30 20:30 KA - 3-020 Enterprise Systems Integration (Ronan Bradley)
Wed 18:30 21:30 KA - 3-020 Data and Database Design for Data Analytics (Pierpaolo Dondio)
Thu 18:30 21:30 KA - 3-020 SPEC 9270 Machine Learning (Brian MacNamee)

Semester 2 Timetable Update

MSc in Computing (Data Analytics) semester 2 timetable is as follows. At the moment all lectures are scheduled in KA 3-020 which is on the third floor of the newer side of Kevin St. However, please monitor this blog this week as rooms often need to change at the beginning of a semester.

Tuesday | 18:30 - 21:30 | KA 3-020 | "Data and Database Design" | Pierpaolo Dondio

Wednesday | 18:30 - 20:30 | KA 3-020 | "Enterprise Systems & Architectures" | Ronan Bradley

Thursday | 18:30 - 21:30 | KA 3-020 | "Machine Learning" | Brian Mac Namee

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Timetable Semester 2

The modules available to you this semester will be

Data & Database Design for Data Analytics (Tuesday)
Enterprise Systems Integration (Wednesday)
Machine Learning (Thursday)

The timetable had to be adjusted to facilitate offering
Enterprise Systems Integration separately (as you are a large
group we can't mix you with the existing group)

I have had a number of queries re taking Case Studies this semester.
This is not available to you as we have not scheduled any specific
analytics speakers. It will be available in September,
