Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Storyful & Data Journalism Discussion on Radio One

Mark Little was on Radio One this morning talking about his company Storyful and the potential for data analytics in journalism - interesting stuff and definitely grist for the dissertation mill:!rii=9:3234361:133::

There are massive challanges for journalists in dealing with the amounts of data with which they are now faced. Massive challenges lead to massive opportunities for the application of analytics techniques in text mining, data visualisation, etc. The Guardian Datablog is a nice example of this:

1 comment:

  1. It turned out to be a big day for analytics on the radio yesterday. On the Moncrieff show in the afternoon Saidbh McCarthy, director of the Centre for Irish and European Security, had some interesting stuff to say about the use of analytics in the intelligence (in the CIA sense of the word) industry.

    A download of the conversation is available here:
